The North Central Missouri Beekeepers met on August 7, 2017 at the Macon High School. Bob Brammer called the meeting to order which was attended by 48. The sign in sheet was passed around for attendance. Introductions by all. Tammy has started a facebook for our club- North Central Beekeepers Group. Volunteers needed for the state fair beekeeping booth. If want to contact Dan Sanders at 816-456-4683 Joy Hoyt read the minutes from June and July. September 11th will be the next meeting date due to Labor Day. For the next meeting in September want to extract honey. If bringing any frames of honey for the September meeting please call Bill or Tammy George or Bob Brammer. Bob asked for topic ideas for next year any suggestions. The treasurer, Dan West said club has a balance of $1330.34. Dan mentioned about our donation can instead of paying dues that is on the table. Selling baseball caps with the logo on it for club and selling them for $12.00 if anyone is interested. Discussed the refracttometer and tested some honey and it tested anywhere form 16.8% to 19.9%. Dan also handed out a sheet for Ramona Miller researching for swarming if interested in filling out for her research. Program of Capturing Feral Bees , was presented by Bob Brammer- Northeast Regional Director of Missouri State Bee Association. He discussed why collect feral bees- their never free their cheap bees or costly bees. Where to get them – Swarm, cut out, swarm traps or trap outs. Cut out is his least favorite to do. Discussed the steps of a cut out and trap outs. Showed pictures of different swarm traps . Some people charge to look of $75.00 but he never charges. Be sure if going to capture to check on the zoning in the city be sure to consider it. Be sure that when you receive a bee call the you get the location contact name and phone , directions, size of colony, how high, has an attempt been made to kill the bees, is if ok to remove limbs or boards to capture the bees, inform the caller of your cleanup policy, if fee, and any zoning problems. The people that should know that you collect bees- fire department, police department, sheriff’s office, highway patrol, conservation department, MU extension center, loggers and trimmers. Question and Answer session was done. Drawing for door prizes was done. Next meeting will be held September 11, 2017 at Macon High School program will be extracting honey.