The North Central Missouri Beekeepers met on June 5, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Macon High School. The program Record Keeping for Beekeeping was presented by Dan West. He said by photographic memory or just paper record keeping. If you have more then one hive you should keep records. You can annually request from USDA, National Agricultural Stat. Services with questions. The main thing is to write and record going through each hive with pen and paper. Through Google Beekeeping Record Keeping they suggest the time of day, weather, hive type, configuration Deep, Medium, shallows, entrance opening is it small, medium or large, is the bottom board screen solid, feeder, the temperament of the bees, pest present, brood pattern, observation, disease/virus, hive condition, drone count, brood chamber, and possibly the queen age. OF course don’t forget to comment. Then what actions taken if any: feed bees, add feeder, added boxes, other equipment, refill amount, add excluder, yes or no, requeened yes or no. Commercial record books are available, you could also use electronic devices to record: go pro video, tape player, voice recorder. Don’t forget the important things: last look, weather, season, time, is there any nectar flow, strengthening the colony, mood, is the colony irritable, requeening consideration, and animal harassment. What is the brood pattern is it great, good enough, poor or one. Do you see any eggs are they young larvae, capped brood. Old queen, is she marked. Do you suspect the hive is queenless, are they roaring? Much honey production, did the colony produce any honey? The very most important thing is to write down something. The next meeting will be July, 1, 2017 on Gadgets and Gizmos. Submitted by Joy Hoytigh School Cafeteria HHHH