The North Central Beekeepers met on November 7, 2017 at the Macon High School. Bob Brammer called the meeting to order which was attended by 38 people. The sign up sheet was passed around for attendance. The treasurer was absent so Bob announced the club’s balance is $1500.34. He discussed the Beginners class which will be held on February 10,2018. The snow date will be February 17, 2018 if needed. Discussion was made about having lunch there or going somewhere to eat. Left up to Tammy and the crew managing this. There will be door prizes. The class will cost $40.00 if lunch is served or if not it will be $35,00. Tammy will put it on the facebook page and the class is limited to 40-45 people. Tammy also said that Jim and Val were teaching the class. With some of the money that we bring from the training of Beginner’s class we will do a donation to The Queen Ambassador Program of $150.00. The class will cost $40.00 if lunch is served or if not it will be $35,00 . Bob also announced the webpage from Tammy of our club is up and running. Be sure to ask questions on the webpage so other people might read and get interested. Our questions will probably be concerning around this area and not way down south or somewhere. The program was presented by Colleen Schroll on FlowHives. She have been doing honeybees for 2 years. She has hives from Australia and China but she can’t tell to much difference in them. She played a video of her bees working inside the flowhives . Passed around a flowhie that is brand new and also one the she has turned to get the honey out. 7 of these framed will fit into a 10 frames box and 6 will fit in a 8 frame box. She checks the hive for to see if the honey is done by the honeybees and if so she will take the key to unlock and shift the frames so the honey will flow out of the frame boxes. So when ready to harvest the honey get the key and open the frame which this will twist the frame of honey and split the cappings so the honey will flow down and out to put into the jar. She uses a Quart jar to gather the honey in the tube from the flow hive to drain into the quart jar. I usually just wear my shirt and mask. She also uses a bee excluder onto the box beneath it. She has so far no problem with wax moths when using them. She got interested because of buying an extractor was very expensive. Then question and answer time. Did an introduction of the people attended and to tell how many hives you a have and where you live and how long you have been doing beekeeping. Discussion was done about the state convention in Springfield MO. The preconference was hive inspection before hand. The ones where from Main and Michigan. Also discussed was about sustainable nucs. Michael Palmers methods, and treating. Door prizes were drawn. The next meeting will be February 5, 2018. . Submitted by Joy Hoyt .